Artistic impulses to sustainability advocacy
Green Beat Performers Foundation (from now on: Green Beat, in Portuguese or Spanish Pulso Verde) is a not for profit Foundation. It promotes and creates musical arts inspired by nature and related justice concerns, to communicate the values of natural resources for human well-being, and to give inspirational impulses to sustainability action.
Green Beat (co-) designs methodologies to bring people together, build their capacity and stimulate their strategic co-operation in favor of nature conservation and justice. Green Beat works with professional artists, environmentalists, scientists and justice advocates in co-operative projects to mutually inform and inspire each other and produce high quality artistic and knowledge products in support of sustainability advocacy. It also builds capacity and creates musical products with amateur musicians in courses and journeys. It networks among and promotes the work of nature-inspired musicians, and organizes their collaboration with scientists and advocates.
Green Beat projects are funded by environmental, development or cultural organizations or funds and/or by participant contributions. Some examples.
The Ecosystem Alliance (IUCN NL, Both ENDS and Wetlands International) has funded the Green Jazz project in Indonesia, co-designed by Green Beat and developed and implemented by Indonesian NGO WALHI, and the journey Pantanal Poetica, initiated by Green Beat and developed and implemented in co-operation with the Brazilian NGO MUPAN. The Ecosystem Alliance on its turn has received funds from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The summer course Ode to the Dutch Dunes, in Schoorl, Holland, was covered by participant fees. Green Beat may occasionally accept private sector donations if their practice is in line with Green Beat's mission.
In 2014 and 2015 Green Beat's director has not received salary for her work for the Foundation, and the Foundation has not had its own funds and reserve, but Green Beat has initiated and carried out collaborative projects the way described above. In 2016-2020 Green Beat seeks to raise further support to develop similar projects in the Netherlands, Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Green Beat was founded in 2013 and is governed by an independent board which oversees its policy and finances. Its consists of: Dafne Foet (Chair), Naut Kusters (Treasurer) and Mae Ocampo (Secretary).
Heleen van den Hombergh, Sept 2015
Founder-director of Green Beat Performers Foundation